The College promotes the De La Salle Sports Credo:
We believe in fair play.
We believe in providing opportunities for all in as wide a range of sports as possible.
We believe in fostering the growth of self-esteem and respect of others.
We believe in quality learning experiences.
We believe in providing opportunities in which students can achieve personal success.
The College promotes the Rights of Athletes:
The right to participate in sport.
The right to participate at a level commensurate with each student’s maturity and ability.
The right to qualified adult leadership.
The right to share in the leadership and decision-making of their sport participation.
The right to participate in a safe and healthy environment.
The right to proper preparation for participation in sports.
The right to equal opportunity to strive for success.
The right to be treated with dignity.
The right to have fun in sports.
Spectators Code
Remember children play sport for their own fun and for their health and well-being.
Any inappropriate behaviour reflects badly on your son, the team, and De La Salle College.
Applaud good play by all players and teams.
Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during sport.
Condemn the use of violence.
Condemn the use of foul language, or snide remarks to either opposition or your own team.
Respect the referee’s decision.
Encourage all players to play according to the rules.
Have faith that the coach will be the voice of the team, following any misconduct by either teams or officials.