Reuben O’Neill Bursary Scholarship

The Reuben O’Neill Bursary has been established by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland to assist in making Catholic education available to some families and their children who otherwise would be unable to receive a Catholic education.  The Reuben O’Neill Bursary has been established to honour Reuben O’Neill, who has been an exceptional volunteer and supporter of Catholic education throughout his lifetime. Reuben O’Neill is a husband, parent and grandparent and was recognised by Pope John Paul II in 1989 receiving a papal knighthood for his services to the Catholic Church of New Zealand. Reuben is proud of his own Catholic education and has worked faithfully to make Catholic education accessible to as many people as possible, through building the Common Fund Cooperative, developing new schools, and improving the standard of existing schools across the Diocese of Auckland.

Whānau/families can apply at primary or secondary levels. Eligibility criteria include a desire for Catholic education for their child, and financial benefit to their family. Students of any year level can apply for the scholarship.