Enrolment Information



We strongly encourage families to enrol their son in Year 7 & 8 as we have very limited places available for enrolment at Year 9-13.

How to Enrol

You can enrol using online enrolment link below. If you are unable to complete it all at once, you are able to ‘Save and Continue’ your application at any time (see link at the bottom of each form page). Or you can pick up a pack from our College Office from 8.30am  – 4.00pm.

Enrol Online

Please see the list below of required documentation to be uploaded with the online application or attached with the hard copy version application.

Submit ALL forms and documents requested, applications that are incomplete will not progress any further.

Please do not send original Birth Certificates, Passports, Baptism Certificates with your application, photocopies are accepted.  De La Salle College does not accept responsibility for the loss, damage or return of these documents.

  • Passport size photo
  • Copy of student’s most recent school report
  • If student is born in  NZ: A copy of his Birth Certificate or current (for 2023) Passport
  • If student is not born in NZ: a copy of passport with appropriate stamp or visa documents
  • Preference Card – must be signed by a Parish Priest
  • Click this link Preference Card to print
  • For Catholic Students with 5.1 Preference Cards your Baptism Certificate and if possible other Sacrament Certificates must be accompany your application
  • Signed Attendance Dues Form
  • If student is currently enrolled at a Catholic School a copy of your son’s latest school fees summary
  • Copy of Immunisation Record from your Doctor


Please see below and read carefully the information on Preference Cards, Preference and Non-Preference Enrolment Applications.



What Happens Next

Complete applications will be assessed and then families will be contacted for a formal interview with our College Principal, Deputy Principal or one of our Associate Principals. You will need to attend the formal interview with your son.

After the interview you will be contacted by email and post on the outcome of your application. If you are unsuccessful with your application, it will be placed on our waiting list and you will be contacted if and when space becomes available.

In Term 4 we have a new parents evening where our new families are invited to come and meet their son’s teachers and dean.  We also have a orientation day for our new students to attend so they can meet the other new students, have guided tours through the school in order for him to become comfortable with De La Salle College school environment. In order for your son’s transition to De La Salle to be successful we encourage families to attend our new parent evening and for your son to attend the orientation day.

Enrolment Timeline

  • Enrolment applications will be assessed and processed
  • Applicants will be contacted and formal interview booking times given for an interview with a senior staff member of the College
  • Enrolment interviews for all applicants starting with Year 7 & 8 will commence during Term 2 and continue into Term 3.  All other year levels (subject to availability) will be interviewed after Year 7 & 8 interviews are complete. To avoid disappointment we encourage you to enrol by the end of Term 2
  • Notification of student placement will be advised by the end of Term 3

Please contact the enrolment officer directly for further questions and information

Enrolment Officer: Bianca Leau
Phone: 276 4319 ext 816
Email: enrolments@delasalle.school.nz