NZQA have updated schools regarding support for Internal and External Assessment.
End of year exams and portfolios
- The dates for end of year NCEA and NZ Scholarship exams will be delayed by two weeks, to run from Monday 22 November until Tuesday 14 December – new timetable attached. This will give students and schools more time to prepare for the end of the year. We will be updating our school calendar in the coming days.
- Due dates for portfolio submissions in the Visual Arts and Technology will also be pushed back by 2 weeks. This also means there will be more time for students to finish their work, and for teachers to mark it.
- We also know that Year 11 students will be thinking about their Mathematics Common Assessment Task (MCAT). It will be delayed from 14 or 16 September for two weeks – to 28 or 30 September – Week 10. This will give students who were due to sit the MCAT more time to prepare.
- Year 11 -13 Digital Technologies & Hangarau Matihiko Common Assessment Tasks (DigiCATs) will have the ability to move dates. At this stage they will continue in Week 10.
Internal Assessment – Using NCEA’s flexibility to collect credible evidence
- Rest assured everyone is determined to make sure all students who are working hard will have a fair opportunity to achieve NCEA this year.
- Teachers will be able to use some of the work completed in lockdown as evidence towards internal assessment.
- The key task for all NCEA students next week is to make regular with your teachers and classmates. Remember to attempt all tasks set and ask questions. If you keep in contact and keep involved you will be OK.