NCEA Exams start Monday 7 November
NCEA morning exams start at 9.30 am. You need to be at school by 8.45 am to enter the exam. Afternoon exams start at 2.00 pm. You need to be at school by 1.30 pm to enter the exam. You must be in school uniform.
Keep studying hard and look after yourself. Be prepared and be at school early for all exams. Make sure you have all the equipment needed and that extra pen. Calculators are required for Science and Mathematics exams.
NCEA Exams and COVID 19
For NCEA examinations, where a student has cold / flu symptoms and there are concerns about them attending the exam they should take a COVID-19 test
If they test negative, they should attend their examination. A negative test result at the examination indicates the Covid risk has been actively managed. . To assist we will have COVID 19 RAT tests available on the day for any student reporting cold/flu like symptoms.
If test is positive students will not enter the exam and the test will provide the evidence for a derived grade.
NCEA Admission Slips
All NCEA students require an Admission Slip to enter the exams. NZQA Exam Centre Manager, Mrs Barbara Warrender must confirm their identity. NZQA provide the Admission Slip. Please contact your homeroom teacher if you are yet to pick up your Admission Slip. If your son loses his slip, he can either print one off his NZQA student login page. Students should login to the NZQA learner site using their National Student Number (NSN) and date of birth. If you need your NSN number make contact with your Homeroom teacher or Dean. To prevent delays in accessing results in January this should be done as soon as possible.