Last week Thursday 12th March and Friday 13thMarch, we had our Reconciliation Days, the first day for the junior students and the following for the seniors. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament of healing and forgiveness, something so significant during this season of Lent. Our school theme of “Be Not Afraid,” is again re-echoed during the Reconciliation liturgy, to remind students to come freely and openly to God to confess their failures and burdens; “Be Not Afraid!”

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all priests who assisted us on those two days. Without your generous help, this would not have been possible. Most importantly to Fr Brain Prendeville SM, our school chaplain, for his wonderful encouragement and assistance in the organisation of this event. Fr Brian kindly assembled priests from the Southern deanery.  Assisting Fr Brian were Fr Soane , Fr Sam Pulanco, Fr Maliu, Fr John Jolliffe, Fr Simone, Fr Sherwin, Fr Felise (junior), Fr Felise (senior) and Fr Patrick.

Denis Tutaka (Campus Minister, DLS, Mangere)