Rules & Regulations

All students apply to attend De La Salle College. The College therefore expects all students to observe the College’s Values and rules. Our four values (Faith, Service, Community, and Excellence) set the general tone and expectations for our students. The following details clarify what is expected behaviour for a student of De La Salle College.

Courtesy, dignity, restraint and common sense are expected as are courtesies such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

De La Salle College does not tolerate:
• Abusive, blaspheme or foul language. This includes inappropriate text messaging and internet chat.
• Bullying, mocking, stealing or lying.
• Physical or verbal abuse including social, sexual or religious harassment.

All students will wear the correct school uniform.
This applies to students who are:
• Attending school
• Representing the College
• Travelling to or from school
• Attending school functions
• Identifiable as De La Salle College students in public.

The College is judged by the community by the uniform standards shown by students. All parents are requested to aid the College by ensuring the uniform regulations are upheld.

Incorrect uniform or a combination of College uniform, the sports uniform or mufti is not appropriate. Students with the incorrect uniform are required to have a letter from home explaining the reason for their discrepancy and the letter is to be handed to the Year Level Dean for consent no later than 9:00am on the day concerned. A Uniform Pass will be issued by the Year level Dean.

Please ensure all items are named.

De La Salle College Board of Trustees and staff expect students to wear their hair styled in a conventional way. Unnatural colours, extreme colouring, or streaks and patches of colour are not allowed. No lines cut into hair. Hair must be clear of the face, eyes and ears.

If the hair is below the shoulder line, it must be tied up using plain black bands. No headbands. Students must be clean shaven at all times.
No “rat’s tails” are allowed.

Body Adornment
Students are not permitted to wear earrings. No other visible body piercing (including tongue studs) is permitted.
A wrist watch may be worn.
No elastic arm bands are allowed.
No other jewellery is permitted (except jewellery with religious significance).


  • Parent or guardian is to ring the office before 9am on the morning of the absence (09 276 4319).  An answer phone is available to leave a message.
  • As possible, parents will be contacted by email on mornings where the Attendance officer is not aware of the reason for a student absence.
  • Upon return, students must bring a note to explain their absence.
  • Prior permission for absence other than sickness or emergency must be obtained from the Dean. The request is to be in writing and well in advance of the sought period of absence. 
  • Unexplained absences will result in an after school detention being issued.


  • Appointments are to be arranged at times other than school hours. If this is not possible, a student may not leave the school grounds unless signed out by a parental guardian.
  • Any students caught leaving the school premises without permission will be referred to the dean and home contact should be made.


  • All lateness will be recorded on student attendance records.
  • Boys arriving late to school or class (hrm to follow up) are to report to the attendance officer who will record the lateness, receive a written explanation for the lateness and issue a late pass.
  • If the student does not have an acceptable excuse, they will be issued with a lunchtime deans’ detention.
  • Student will receive a reminder of their lunchtime detention during period 5 the same day they were late. Parent will also be informed through our SMS.
  • Students will be informed to go to E1 where they will be met by the duty staff member running the detention.
  • Students failing to attend this detention will be issued with an after school detention (refer to disciplinary procedures).
  • Continual lateness will result in further consequences.


Out of bounds areas are:
• the school driveway.
• the car park, chapel area and creek.
• the area between the trees and fence around the field.
• the field above the first rugby field.
• the classrooms unless there is a teacher present.
• the back of D- Block and behind the caretaker sheds

• Smoking is not permitted by anyone on the College site.
• Possession or use of alcohol or drugs is prohibited (breaking of these regulations may result in serious disciplinary action including suspension/exclusion).
• It is also not permitted to congregate with those who use tobacco, alcohol or drugs during school or while in uniform or on any College outings.
• Dangerous implements are not permitted.
• Chewing gum and ‘spitting’ is unacceptable in the interest of health, as is the sharing of drink bottles.
• Twink, permanent markers and chewing gum are not permitted because of the damage they can cause.
• Graffiti or inappropriate images are not permitted on anything brought to school.
• Mobile phones and other electronic devices such as MP3 player are discouraged to avoid theft. Students carry these devices at their own risk and they must be turned off and in bags at all times.
• Mobile phones if used during class time will be confiscated, locked in the College safe, and can only be collected by a parent/guardian.

No student should be at school before 8:00am and after 3.30pm unless supervised by a member of staff.

Safety and courtesy are paramount when travelling in public. De La Salle College students stand for adults and respect transport property.

Students who drive to school need to obtain parental consent and approval of the Deputy Principal. Students park off-site. – Buses: Stagecoach Company operates several school services.

School Bus Service