Year 7/8 Community Masses

We will be continuing our College’s efforts to be Men of Community through attending Masses at our local, contributing parishes. This term, there are four opportunities for our Year 7/8 students to attend a Community Mass.

We would love to see your son attend one of these Masses and are appreciative of your support. You are most welcome to join us with your families as well. Our College staff will also be in attendance at the Masses. We will endeavor to meet outside the Church 30 minutes before the start of Mass. We kindly ask our students to donate a food item to support the less fortunate in the Parish.

Your son is expected to attend in full uniform, and we will all be sitting together as a De La Salle group. In recognition of your son’s participation, we will award him service hours. This is one of our key College values.

We thank you in advance for supporting our students and our College.